psychiatric hospital


psychiatric hospital 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    psychiatric hospital 近义词

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 loony bin

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 madhouse

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 mental hospital

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 nut house

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 booby hatch

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 funny farm

    psychiatric hospital

    等同于 insane asylum

    更多psychiatric hospital例句

    1. At St. Barnabas Hospital, Pellerano was listed in stable condition with wounds to his chest and arm.
    2. When the father arrived at the hospital, he was told that Andrew Dossi was in surgery, but the wounds were not life-threatening.
    3. By the time the ambulance arrived, over 10 minutes later, it was too late—Mills died soon after arriving at the hospital.
    4. At Woodhull Hospital, the Bed-Stuy ambulance crew kept doing all they could as they wheeled Ramos into the emergency room.
    5. Both officers were rushed to Woodhull Hospital where they were pronounced dead.
    6. On the night of June the 11th a red-hot cannon-ball set fire to one of the barracks which was used as a hospital.
    7. At the pier at "W" were several big lighters filled with wounded who were about to be towed out to Hospital ships.
    8. One or two priests of that order live in the hospital, and two others, lay brethren, act as nurses.
    9. The hospital is in charge of a steward appointed by the governor, and is administered by the Order of St. Francis.
    10. Half the army was in hospital from want of proper nourishment and commonsense sanitation.